Rights Holders

Neighbouring Rights” also called “Related Rights” are called as much
because they ‘neighbour/sit next to the song copyrights. It is a sound
recording royalty for any performer who has made an audible contribution to
a recording, and to the rights holder who owns the recording.

Quick Facts

If your recording has a red cross beside it (at PPL) it is invalid, and you will not receive rights holder income. Make sure you edit the recording and correct it!
You should register your products too, not just individual recordings. This is because some CMOs* pay out on products rather than individual tracks. You’ll need your catalogue numbers handy!
Sales data is necessary in order to get paid from certain territories. Do you ignore those emails, or actually supply sales data?
As of 1st of July 2020, US performers and labels get "national treatment" and will now collect neighbouring rights from the public performance of recordings in Canada.
Did you know that your music videos also need to be assigned with ISRCs and registered at PPL? Music video PPL income (VPL) is on the decline, but it all adds up!
Always input track durations. It might not be marked as mandatory at PPL, but other overseas societies require track durations, and push back.
*CMO stands for “Collective Management Organisation”. CMOs are licensing bodies responsible for collecting neighbouring rights royalties.

What does IAFAR do?

The International Association for Artists & Rightsholders (IAFAR) is an organisation that protects, educates
and advocates for those of us in neighbouring and related rights.


IAFAR was founded to tackle worldwide issues affecting the collection of artists neighbouring rights. Our aim is to collaborate with CMO’s and other interested parties to ensure the collection of these rights are as efficient and streamlined as they can be and that all performers receive the income they are rightfully entitled to.


Many people do not know what neighbouring rights are and therefore also do not know what their rights are in this area. As IAFAR grows, it will provide workshops and literature to help educate and de-mystify this part of the music industry.


Providing a community to support, debate and foster this new way of thinking will be beneficial to all members. A common love of beverages also brings us together.

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Belgium Adopts Remuneration Rights For Streaming

We're delighted to hear Belgium has adopted a non-waivable r Read More

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